Mountains of Ibuki and Katsuragisan
Eric and Matte climb Mt. Ibuki once. It was Matte's first experience to climb mountain.
Mount Ibuki is a bald turtle-shell shaped peak located near the city of Maibara on the eastern shore of Lake Biwa, Japan's largest fresh water lake.
No city on the mountains like what we have in Baguio Philippines - from far reaching the mountains you'll see houses located on the top of the hill.
There was a big parking lot where u can drop off ur car and start using the stairs to reach the most top.
You will spend 20-30mins walking or should I say climbing... (including selfies and eating our snacks)
How cold it was? Well,15 degrees plus the wind blowing around you. We even encounter a fox taking the stairs with a food on his mouth. Wow, that was a close encounter but usually they were just at trees and fields where they can get food, right?
Price? 2000 yen for the payment of our small car. We have baon for snack and cold water.Japanese people sells ice cream which is kind a expensive too.Now, I know what's the feeling why some people loves mountain climbing.I suggest, try the mountains of Japan - hindi ka papawisan.
"The best view comes after the hardest climb"
And this time, by chance, we went to climb mountain of Katsuragisan.
The Taima-Katsuragi area is situated at the eastern foot of the Nijo-Katsuragi-Kongo Mountains bordering Nara and Osaka prefectures. Many old shrines and temples full of legends, and Mt. Katsuragi-san's beauty add their inimitable touch to the primal scenery of Japan enjoyed by many hikers throughout the year.
"Climb mountain not so the world can see you but so you can see the world"
Mount Ibuki is a bald turtle-shell shaped peak located near the city of Maibara on the eastern shore of Lake Biwa, Japan's largest fresh water lake.
No city on the mountains like what we have in Baguio Philippines - from far reaching the mountains you'll see houses located on the top of the hill.
There was a big parking lot where u can drop off ur car and start using the stairs to reach the most top.
You will spend 20-30mins walking or should I say climbing... (including selfies and eating our snacks)
How cold it was? Well,15 degrees plus the wind blowing around you. We even encounter a fox taking the stairs with a food on his mouth. Wow, that was a close encounter but usually they were just at trees and fields where they can get food, right?
Price? 2000 yen for the payment of our small car. We have baon for snack and cold water.Japanese people sells ice cream which is kind a expensive too.Now, I know what's the feeling why some people loves mountain climbing.I suggest, try the mountains of Japan - hindi ka papawisan.
"The best view comes after the hardest climb"
And this time, by chance, we went to climb mountain of Katsuragisan.
The Taima-Katsuragi area is situated at the eastern foot of the Nijo-Katsuragi-Kongo Mountains bordering Nara and Osaka prefectures. Many old shrines and temples full of legends, and Mt. Katsuragi-san's beauty add their inimitable touch to the primal scenery of Japan enjoyed by many hikers throughout the year.
"Climb mountain not so the world can see you but so you can see the world"